Thursday, July 9, 2009


Is this a weird weather Summer or what? High of 96 degrees the last week in June, high in the 60s the next ~ the first week of July! Extremes like this are hard on most plants, as are 2 inches of rain followed by no rain for weeks. We can plant the same varieties of seeds and plants the same way, the same day and get different results from year to year. This year turnip production was not good (they were great last year!) and it looks like winter squash will be abundant if the plants set fruit well (they were terrible last year). Last summer was not so great for tomatoes and peppers but we had enough plants in that we had plenty for the CSA, just not much extra for sale. The year before we couldn't pick tomatoes fast enough to harvest all there were. We should have more carrots this year, and so far the quality looks better.

Many things are coming on later this year than past years: celery, onions, potatoes, tomatoes for example. They will be ready to harvest soon, tho.

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