Thursday, June 4, 2009

No frost here

We are grateful.  That would be awful,  for all of you as well as us!  It was 39 degrees here at 4:30 am, and up to 44 at 7:15 when I looked again.  I only covered the basil, the most tender plant in the garden.

We got the peas weeded yesterday, started on the asparagus and parsnips (about an hour still to go there).  Weeds got ahead of us during the time spent harvesting for CSA and planting all the tomatoes, peppers and eggplant.  Bill is setting up Patrick with the tiller to till between rows of plastic mulch in the driveway garden ~ we usually refer to that as 'up top'.  We have plans to finish the leeks today, too.

Bill spread a lot of composted manure yesterday, getting ready to plant the last field of open-pollinated field corn.  We've saved our own field corn seed for many years now.  Very little corn is sprouting because it's been so cold.  Treated corn seed will sprout in cold and wet soil, but our untreated seeds are very sensitive to soil temps, and we risk having it rot when it's this chilly.

1 comment:

  1. Bill & Patrice, What a coincidence, yesterday Freddie my dog and I pee'd on our weeds. Hopefully we have the same effect. Hope all is well with you.

